Monday, July 23, 2007

Individually based theory and therapy models

Gestalt Therapy

Major Principles
        o Interested in the whole person
        o Emphasis on integration of thoughts feelings, behaviors, body and dreams

■ Field Theory        o Organism must be seen in its environment or its context as part of a constantly changing field
                ● Relational
                ● In flux
                ● Interrelated
                ● In progress

■ Figure Formation Process        o How client organizes environment from moment to moment
        o Background
                ● The undifferentiated field or ground
        o Figure
                ● The emerging focus of attention

■ Organismic Self Regulation        o Restore equilibrium or contribute to growth and change

Therapy Process
■ The Now        o Power in the present
        o Nothing exists except the now
        o The past is gone and the future has not yet arrived
        o For many people the power of the present is lost
                ● They may focus on their past mistakes or engage in endless resolutions and plans                 for the future.

■ Unfinished Business        o Feelings about the past are unexpressed
        o These feelings are associated with distinct memories and fantasies
        o Feelings not fully experienced in the background and interfere with effective contact
        o Preoccupation, compulsive behavior, wariness oppressive energy and self defeating behavior.

■ Layers of Neurosis        o Perls likens the unfolding of adult personality to the peeling of an onion.
        o Phony layer- stereotypical and inauthentic
        o Phobic layer- fears keep clients from seeing themselves
        o Impasse layer- giving up power
        o Implosive layer- fully experiencing deadness
        o Explosive layer- letting go of phony roles