Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Individually based theory and therapy models

Gestalt Therapy

Five Major Channels of Resistance
        o Tendency to uncritically accept other’s beliefs and standards without assimilating them to make them congruent with who one is
        o Passively incorporate what the environment provides, spending little time on becoming clear about what we need or want.

        o Disown aspects of self by assigning them o the environment
        o Trouble distinguishing between inside and outside world
        o Disown attributes of self that are inconsistent with self image and put onto other people
        o Avoid taking responsibly of feelings and person one really is
        o Keeps self powerless to initiate change

        o Process of distraction
        o Keeps difficult to sustain sense of contact with reality
        o Overuse of humor, abstract generalization, and questions rather than statements, resulting in emotional depletion
        o Diminished emotional experience by seeking through and for others

        o Do things to self rather than others

        o Blurring differentiation between self and environment
        o Fitting in, absence of conflict, belief all people feel and think the same way
        o High need for acceptance and approval
        o Stay safe, never express own feelings
        o Therapist uses W’s questions to get client to open up

Other Forms of Resistance
■ Control of environment        o Resistance to contact
        o Boundary disturbance

■ Blocks to energy manifested by        o Tension in part of body
        o By posture
        o Keeping body tight and closed
        o Not breathing deeply
        o Looking away from people when speaking
        o Numbing feelings
        o Speaking with restricted voice