Thursday, September 17, 2015

Individually based theory and therapy models

Person Centered Therapy

Theoretical Foundations
■ Focus is on the person and not the presenting problem

        o Philosophical movement that emphasizes worth of the individual and the centrality of human values
        o Attends to matters of ethics and personal worth
        o Gives credit to the human spirit
        o Emphasis on creative, spontaneous, and active nature of humans
        o Optimistic
        o Human capacity to overcome hardship and despair

■ Non-Deterministic        o Beliefs that it is oversimplification to view people as controlled by fixed physical laws.
        o Encouragement of therapy that considers individual initiative, creativity, and self fulfillment

■ Self Actualization        o Innate process by which a person tends to grow spiritually and realize potential

■ The Experiencing Person        o Important issues must be defined by the client
        o Special concerns are discrepancies between what a person thinks of himself and the total range of things he experiences


■ Listening
■ Accepting
■ Respecting
■ Understanding
■ Empathic Responding