Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Risk factors, stages and patterns of grief response

•        DSM Diagnosis under Other Conditions That May be Focus of Clinical Attention, V62.82, Bereavement- used for death of a loved one.
•        Depression in this case is considered “normal” but individual my be seeking treatment to relieve symptoms such as insomnia or anorexia.
•        Expression of “normal” bereavement time is relative to different cultures.
•        Major Depressive disorder is not diagnosed unless symptoms last longer than two months after loss.

Stages of Grief:
•        Denial
•        Anger
•        Bargaining
•        Depression
•        Acceptance

Reactions commonly seen in children:
        o        Disbelief- children may act as if it did not happen.
        o        Complain of headaches, stomachaches, or fear of their own death.
        o        Anger- concern over own needs and about being alone, or with God.
        o        Guilt- feelings of causing death, or not having been “better”
        o        Anxiety/Fear: may become clingy and need validation of love.
        o        Regression: revert to bed wetting or thumb sucking
        o        Sadness: lethargy and isolation

Short Term Treatment Goals
•        Express fear and anger, grieve in a healthy way.
•        Loss and Grief Counseling Group
•        Recall fond memories
•        Create a phone list of supportive people to call
•        New coping techniques
•        Find a “safe place” to spend limited time thinking about deceased
•        Exercise regiment
•        Relaxation techniques- progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery

Long Term Treatment Goals
•        Reach a point of coping without being overcome with grief.
•        Regain normal activity.
•        Reduce feelings of guilt and anger towards self, others, and God.
•        Re-mature over regressed behaviors
•        Understanding of death and life.

Therapeutic Interventions
•        Writing Activities
        o        Letter to deceased for closure
        o        Journal of thoughts (may be shared in counseling, in group, or with family members)
•        Art therapy:
        o        Finger paints are useful in expressing feelings
        o        Draw pictures of activities enjoyed with deceased (useful with children).
        o        Collage on a theme
        o        Splatter room: area where (particularly children) are free to throw violent splotches of paint to get anger out.
•        Play Therapy:
        o        Model clay or dough to vent anger or create ritual objects
        o        Puppetry- to express feelings
        o        Sand tray to play out themes, “burry” deceased for closure, or rake sand for relaxation or meditation.
•        Bibliotherapy:
        o        Appropriate self help books
        o        Books related to symptoms client is displaying
•        Loss Graph or Timeline:
        o        Used to discuss types of loss
        o        Used to recall fond memories and celebrate life
•        Storytelling:
        o        Fantasy monologues
        o        Mutual storytelling
•        Therapeutic Metaphors
        o        Helpful in understanding concept of death
•        Empty Chair
        o        Gestalt technique
        o        Imagine deceased in chair and speak to them for closure