Crisis intervention with date rape, school violence, substance abuse, and adolescent suicide.
Step #1: Listen - Establish therapeutic relationship.
- Identify precipitating problems.
- Explore emotions.
Step #2: Assessment- Determine the severity of the crisis.
- Assess potential lethality or physical harm to the person or others.
- Identify past coping skills, strengths and supportive resources.
- Suicide/Homicide assessment
- Determine client’s perception of reality.
- Discuss cultural beliefs about handling trauma.
- Find out if family and social resources are potential resources. Are the resources positive or negative?
Step #3: Treatment Plan - Selectively choose and use appropriate approaches to action planning.
- Modify or eliminate past coping skills.
- Create a contract or have client sign treatment plan.
- Identify useful referral resources.
- Use three basic approaches:
i. Start by being non-directive.
ii. Be collaborative by working together on a joint plan.
iii. Be directive if the person does not or will not make a plan.
- During crisis, have only short term objectives.
Step #4: Termination - Review progress on treatment plan.
- Plan for expanding resources and support system.
- Schedule a follow up session.
- Identify precipitating problems.
- Explore emotions.
Step #2: Assessment- Determine the severity of the crisis.
- Assess potential lethality or physical harm to the person or others.
- Identify past coping skills, strengths and supportive resources.
- Suicide/Homicide assessment
- Determine client’s perception of reality.
- Discuss cultural beliefs about handling trauma.
- Find out if family and social resources are potential resources. Are the resources positive or negative?
Step #3: Treatment Plan - Selectively choose and use appropriate approaches to action planning.
- Modify or eliminate past coping skills.
- Create a contract or have client sign treatment plan.
- Identify useful referral resources.
- Use three basic approaches:
i. Start by being non-directive.
ii. Be collaborative by working together on a joint plan.
iii. Be directive if the person does not or will not make a plan.
- During crisis, have only short term objectives.
Step #4: Termination - Review progress on treatment plan.
- Plan for expanding resources and support system.
- Schedule a follow up session.