Friday, July 20, 2007

Individually based theory and therapy models

Experiential Therapy 
Basic Dimensions of the Human Condition
■ The capacity for self awareness:
        o The greater our awareness, the greater our possibilities for freedom
        o Awareness is realizing
                ● We are finite- time is limited
                ● We have potential, the choice to act or not to act
                ● Meaning is not automatic- we must seek it
                ● We are subject to loneliness, meaninglessness, emptiness, guilt and isolation

■ The tension between freedom and responsibility        o People are free to choose among alternatives and have a large role in shaping personal destinies
        o Manner in which we live and what we become are result of our choices
        o People must accept responsibility for directing own lives

■ Creation of an identity and establishing meaningful relationships        o Identity is the courage to be
        o We must trust ourselves to search within and find our own answers
        o Our great fear is that we will discover there is no core, no self
        o Aloneness
                ● We must tolerate being alone with self
                ● We must have a relationship with ourselves first
        o Struggling with identity
                ● We are trapped in doing mode to avoid experience of being
        o Relatedness
                ● At their best our relationships are based on our desire for fulfillment, not our                 deprivation

■ The search for meaning        o Like pleasure, meaning but be pursued
                ● Finding mening in life is a byproduct of a commitment to creating, loving, and                 working
        o Life is not meaningful in itself, the individual must create and discover meaning
        o Goals deal with
                ● Discarding old values
                ● Coping with meaninglessness
                ● Creating new meaning

■ Accepting anxiety as a condition of living        o Anxiety arises from striving to survive and maintain own being
        o Existential anxiety is normal- life cannot be lived, not can death be faced, without anxiety
                ● Anxiety can be a stimulus for growth as we become aware of and accept our                 freedom
                ● We can blunt our anxiety by creating the illusion that there is security to life
                ● If we have the courage to face ourselves and life we may be frightened, but we will                 be able to change
        o Neurotic anxiety creates guilt

■ The awareness of death and nonbeing        o Awareness of death is a basic human condition which gives significant to our living
        o We must think about death if we are to think significantly about life
        o If we defend against death our lives can become meaningless
        o We learn to live in the “now”
        o One day at a time results in a zest for life and creativity