Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Individually based theory and therapy models

Person Centered Therapy 

The Therapy Process
■ Six conditions necessary and sufficient for personality changes to occur:        o Two persons are in physiological contact
        o The first, the client is experiencing incongruence
        o The second, the therapist, is congruent or integrated in the relationship
        o The therapist experiences unconditional positive regard or real caring for the client
        o The therapist experiences empathy for the client’s internal frame of reference and endeavors to communicate this to the client
        o The communication to the client is, to a minimal degree, achieved.

■ Three Requirements for Therapy

        o Genuineness
                ■ Accurate empathic understanding
                ■ Genuineness or realness in relations between therapist and client
                ■ Being oneself in the therapeutic relationship with the client

        o Unconditional positive regard                ■ Acceptance and caring
                ■ NOT approval of all behavior

        o Congruence
                ■ Understanding of client’s frame of references
                ■ Ability to deeply grasp the client’s subjective world and communicate this to the client

Role of the Therapist

        o Focuses on the quality of the therapeutic relationship
        o Serves as a model of a human being struggling towards greater realness
        o Is genuine, integrated, and authentic, without a false front
        o Can openly express feelings and attitudes that are present in the relationship with the client