Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Individually based theory and therapy models

Adlerian Therapy
Adlerian Therapy Process

■ The role of the client        o Explore private logic- concepts about self, others and life
        o Discover purposes of behavior or symptoms of basic mistakes associated with their coping.
        o Learn how to correct faulty assumptions and conclusions

■ The Client Therapist Relationship        o Based on mutual trust, respect, confidence and alignment of goals.
        o Collaborative relationship
        o Develop a therapeutic contract (goals for therapy)
        o Emphasis of responsibility on client for his or her own behaviors


■ Establish a therapeutic relationship        o Therapists gets to know the client as a person
        o Collaborate on goals for therapy
        o Supportive therapist creates caring human connection
        o Therapist work to make client feel deeply understood and accepted.
        o Client focuses on what needs to change in therapy.

■ Explore the psychological dynamic operating in the client        o Consists of a subjective interview
        o Clients tells own story as expert on own life
        o Therapists listens for cues to client’s coping and approach to life
        o Objective interview                ■ Family constellation
                ■ Early recollections
                ■ Personal priorities
                ■ Integration and summary

■ Encourage development of self understanding (insight into purpose)        o Understanding motivates that operate in client’s life
        o Client disclosure and therapist interpretation (open ended manner)
        o Make unconscious into conscious
        o Confront resistance to help client and therapist align
        o Explore purposes of symptoms, feelings, behaviors and human difficulties or block

■ Help client make new choices (reorientation and reeducation)        o Encouragement process
        o Change and search for new possibilities
        o Make a difference through change in behavior, attitude and perceptions.